
Wichtige SicherheitsinformationenHier veröffentlichen wir Sicherheitsinfos und Updateinformationen für Sie.

Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
securitymagazine.comWilliam (Bill) P. Crowell has joined the Advisory Board of LookingGlass Cyber Solutions. Crowell served as Deputy Director of Operations at NSA, Chairman of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Senior Advisory Group, and as a member of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Advisory Board....

Heise Sicherheits NewsKriminelle Hacker haben die Website gekapert. Von einem Besuch ist abzuraten und Perl-Entwickler, die die Site als CPAN-Mirror nutzen, sollten handeln....

Heise Sicherheits NewsAuf dem Kongress wirbt die Bonner Behörde vor allem für sich selbst und eine Erweiterung ihrer Aufgaben....

Heise Sicherheits NewsEs gibt wichtige Sicherheitsupdates für Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac, Apex One, OfficeScan und Worry-Free Business Security....

TheHackersNewsThe Office of the Washington State Auditor (SAO) on Monday said it's investigating a security incident that resulted in the compromise of personal information of more than 1.6 million people who filed for unemployment claims in the state in 2020. The SAO blamed the breach on a software vulnerability in Accellion's File Transfer Appliance (FTA) service, which allows organizations to share...

TheHackersNewsSecurity Operations is a 24 x 7 job. It does not stop for weekends or holidays or even that much-needed coffee break after the first hour of the shift is complete. We all know this. Every SOC engineer is hoping for some rest at some point. One of my favorite jokes when talking about Security Operations is "3 SOC engineers walked into a bar…" That the joke. No SOC engineers have time to do that....

TheHackersNewsCybersecurity researchers today disclosed a new supply chain attack targeting online gamers by compromising the update mechanism of NoxPlayer, a free Android emulator for PCs and Macs. Dubbed "Operation NightScout" by Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET, the highly-targeted surveillance campaign involved distributing three different malware families via tailored malicious updates to selected victims...

TheHackersNewsWe likely all agree that 2020 was a year we won't soon forget - for many reasons. One area particularly impacted last year was (and continues to be) cybersecurity.  While Internet access allowed many businesses to continue functioning during the COVID-19 stay at home requirements, the unprecedented number of people accessing company assets remotely introduced many new challenges for...

TheHackersNewsA financially-motivated threat actor notorious for its cryptojacking attacks has leveraged a revised version of their malware to target cloud infrastructures using vulnerabilities in web server technologies, according to new research. Deployed by the China-based cybercrime group Rocke, the Pro-Ocean cryptojacking malware now comes with improved rootkit and worm capabilities, as well as harbors...

TheHackersNewsA "severe" vulnerability in GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)'s Libgcrypt encryption software could have allowed an attacker to write arbitrary data to the target machine, potentially leading to remote code execution. The flaw, which affects version 1.9.0 of libgcrypt, was discovered on January 28 by Tavis Ormandy of Project Zero, a security research unit within Google dedicated to finding zero-day bugs...

TheHackersNewsGoogle Project Zero on Thursday disclosed details of a new security mechanism that Apple quietly added to iOS 14 as a countermeasure to prevent attacks that were recently found to leverage zero-days in its messaging app. Dubbed "BlastDoor," the improved sandbox system for iMessage data was disclosed by Samuel Groß, a Google Project Zero researcher tasked with studying zero-day vulnerabilities in...

TheHackersNewsThe pressure on small to medium-sized enterprises to protect their organizations against cyberthreats is astronomical. These businesses face the same threats as the largest enterprises, experience the same (relative) damages and consequences when breaches occur as the largest enterprises but are forced to protect their organizations with a fraction of the resources as the largest enterprises. ...

TheHackersNewsA "persistent attacker group" with alleged ties to Hezbollah has retooled its malware arsenal with a new version of a remote access Trojan (RAT) to break into companies worldwide and extract valuable information. In a new report published by the ClearSky research team on Thursday, the Israeli cybersecurity firm said it identified at least 250 public-facing web servers since early 2020 that have...

TheHackersNewsResearchers have disclosed a new family of Android malware that abuses accessibility services in the device to hijack user credentials and record audio and video. Dubbed "Oscorp" by Italy's CERT-AGID and spotted by AddressIntel, the malware "induce(s) the user to install an accessibility service with which [the attackers] can read what is present and what is typed on the screen." So named...

TheHackersNewsU.S. and Bulgarian authorities this week took control of the dark web site used by the NetWalker ransomware cybercrime group to publish data stolen from its victims. "We are striking back against the growing threat of ransomware by not only bringing criminal charges against the responsible actors, but also disrupting criminal online infrastructure and, wherever possible, recovering ransom...

threatpost.comThe detection-evasion tool, libprocesshider, hides TeamTNT's malware from process-information programs....

threatpost.comThe suspect allegedly has extorted $27.6 million from ransomware victims, mostly in the healthcare sector....

threatpost.comA new version of NAT slipstreaming allows cybercriminals an easy path to devices that aren't connected to the internet....

threatpost.comQualys said the vuln gives any local user root access to systems running the most popular version of Sudo....

threatpost.comResearchers publicly disclosed flaws in ADT's LifeShield DIY HD Video Doorbell, which could have allowed local attackers to access credentials, video feeds and more....
