
Wichtige SicherheitsinformationenHier veröffentlichen wir Sicherheitsinfos und Updateinformationen für Sie.

Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
Heise Sicherheits NewsVor Weihnachten war die Funke-Mediengruppe Opfer von Ransomware geworden. Die Aufräumarbeiten dauern an, laufen aber schneller als erwartet....

securitymagazine.comLaunching in January 2021, the International Foundation for Protection Officers (IFPO) will host a series of monthly webinars on a series of topics relevant to today’s front-line security practitioners. ...

securitymagazine.comIn September 2020, a ransomware attack forced 6,000 elementary students to shutdown learning at the Newhall School District. Newhall isn't alone. In addition, Harford Public School, Miami Dade County, Haywood County School district in North Carolina are others that experienced similar circumstances.  With ransomware surging nearly 110% and no end in sight for remote learning, the environment is ripe for cyberattacks to escalate. To get some insight, we spoke to Dmitriy Ayrapetov, Vice President of Platform Architecture at SonicWall....

securitymagazine.comIn legal professions, safeguarding documents and paperwork is an essential office task. These papers may contain important, private information about a company’s operations, or they may include other privileged information shared by clients concerning their cases. In an increasingly digital world, the lock and key of the filing cabinet are no longer enough to guarantee document security. How can your practice better protect the digital files it stores? Take a moment to consider these six tips for implementing better security surrounding these important documents....

securitymagazine.comOne thing that makes hospitals more vulnerable today than in the past is the extraordinary increase in connected medical devices (often known as IoMT or the “Internet of Medical Things”). Network-connected medical devices make healthcare more efficient and enable better patient care. They range from simple blood pressure devices and infusion pumps to more complex machines such as MRIs, CT scanners, and ultrasounds. The obvious problem is that these network connections also make these devices vulnerable to attack....

securitymagazine.comThe U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) released the Complementary Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) and GPS Backup Technologies Demonstration Report to Congress final report....

securitymagazine.comThe newly released National Strategy to Secure 5G plan by the NTIA details how the United States will lead global development, deployment, and management of secure and reliable 5G infrastructure....

securitymagazine.comLearn whether your organization has a false decline problem and change the way you conduct fraud prevention to increase sales....

securitymagazine.comHow can security leaders get the most out of their security and non-security IoT devices? Read on to learn more....

securitymagazine.comSecurity risks to a business during times of unrest include assets, people and reputation. It is important for businesses to minimize presenting their facilities as a soft target for opportunistic criminal activity. Having a proactive plan in place to deter criminal activity will aid in protecting employees and assets....

Heise Sicherheits NewsEine bestimmte Pfadangabe etwa in der Adressleiste eines Browsers erzeugt unter Win 10 einen Bluescreen. Updates fehlen noch. Windows 7 scheint nicht betroffen....

securitymagazine.comAccording to the first national survey conducted in Singapore regarding sexual harassment, two in five workers in the country report being sexually harassed at the workplace in the past five years. ...

securitymagazine.comDuval County Public Schools in Florida have a 15-year priority plan to use a half-penny sales tax increase to improve the school through safety and security measures and major renovations....

Heise Sicherheits NewsEs gibt ein wichtiges Sicherheitsupdate für das Wordpress-Plug-in Orbit Fox....

TheHackersNewsApple has removed a controversial feature from its macOS operating system that allowed the company's own first-party apps to bypass content filters, VPNs, and third-party firewalls. Called "ContentFilterExclusionList," it included a list of as many as 50 Apple apps like iCloud, Maps, Music, FaceTime, HomeKit, the App Store, and its software update service that were routed through Network...

securitymagazine.comMicrosoft has addressed companies who have not yet updated their systems to address the critical Zerologon flaw, a vulnerability in the cryptography of Microsoft's Netlogon process that allows an attack against Microsoft Active Directory domain controllers, making it possible for a hacker to impersonate any computer, including the root domain controller....

securitymagazine.comPresident-elect Joe Biden has announced the American Rescue Plan to "build a bridge towards economic recovery," during the coronavirus pandemic. The $1.9 trillion plan also aims to modernize federal information technology to protect against future cyberattacks. ...

securitymagazine.comIn 2020, we adapted. So did bad guys. The FBI saw a 400% increase in cyberattacks as adversaries probed the new landscape for vulnerabilities. We haven’t even begun to see the results of these attacks. 2020 blew up expectations, and we should expect more of the same in the coming years....

securitymagazine.comIn the age of heightened public cloud adoption and widespread cloud Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) usage, cybercriminals are making use of OAuth – a permissions delegation and authorization protocol – to compromise cloud environments. As such, controlling which applications users interact with has become a business imperative. Let’s take a closer look at what OAuth is, the role it plays in allowing users to access resources across environments, the ways attackers are abusing OAuth and what organizations can do to better protect their cloud data....

securitymagazine.comThe National Security Agency (NSA) has released an information sheet with guidance on adopting encrypted Domain Name System (DNS) over Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Transport Layer Security (HTTPS), referred to as DNS over HTTPS (DoH). When configured appropriately, strong enterprise DNS controls can help prevent many initial access, command and control, and exfiltration techniques used by threat actors....
