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Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
Heise Sicherheits NewsOracles Quartalsupdate beseitigt viele teils als kritisch eingestufte Sicherheitsprobleme aus der Produktpalette des Herstellers....

securitymagazine.comFollowing a global consultation, the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) is launching new ethics guidelines for incident response and security teams on Global Ethics Day. ethicsfIRST provides guidance for cybersecurity professionals on how to conduct themselves professionally and ethically during incidents.  Inspired by Earth Day, Global Ethics Day provides an opportunity for organizations to explore the meaning of ethics in international affairs....

securitymagazine.comFaced with this ransomware onslaught, organizations of all kinds need to rethink how they protect themselves. Part of that rethink means merging the need to provide better privacy protection for their employees with the necessity to protect themselves from the consequences of a ransomware attack exposing both customer and employee data. With federal agencies signaling the possibility of fines for complying with ransomware demands and the liability from exposing personally identifiable data likely to rise significantly, not doing so will soon be too costly to consider....

securitymagazine.comWe recently surveyed companies across the U.S. about their current cybersecurity challenges now that many have moved to a predominantly remote workforce. Unfortunately, what we found was that most organizations are only scratching the surface when it comes to identity and access management, as they may only be addressing a fraction of what identity can provide. This is leaving many organizations exposed to data breach and compliance fines....

securitymagazine.comThe Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs announced it has awarded funding totaling over $54 million to provide services that protect officers and improve overall public safety. OJP’s Bureau of Justice Assistance awarded grants to law enforcement departments, local jurisdictions, and training and technical assistance organizations throughout the United States....

securitymagazine.comWhile traditionally seen solely as a private problem, domestic violence has the potential to significantly impact workplace safety and productivity, and as the line of work-home-life balance continues to blur for many during COVID-19, companies should be on top of their domestic violence response plans to aid and support employees. ...

securitymagazine.comRemote work has left many organizations lagging in productivity and revenue due to remote access solutions. Nearly one-fifth (19%) of IT leaders surveyed said they often or always experience network performance and latency issues when using legacy remote access solutions, with an additional 43% saying they sometimes do. Those issues have resulted in a loss of productivity for 68% of respondents and a loss of revenue for 43%, according to Perimeter 81's  2020 State of Network Security Report....

TheHackersNewsAttention readers, if you are using Google Chrome browser on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computers, you need to update your web browsing software immediately to the latest version Google released earlier today. Google released Chrome version 86.0.4240.111 today to patch several security high-severity issues, including a zero-day vulnerability that has been exploited in the wild by attackers to...

securitymagazine.comThe Security Industry Associated has identified its Top 10 Security Megatrends from focus groups within the industry. The trends will be an underlying theme at the Securing New Ground conference (Oct. 21-22, virtual)....

securitymagazine.comCyber criminals launched an online scam designed to trick U.K.-based retail stores' Marks and Spencer (M&S) customers into handing over confidential data by by impersonating the retailer’s CEO Steve Rowe in fraudulent, impersonated ads on Facebook....

securitymagazine.comBoon Edam Inc. has published a new whitepaper for architects and security professionals entitled, "The New Lobby: How Will Securing Buildings Change in a Post-Pandemic World?". The publication begins by explaining the importance of creating a physical security plan that addresses and controls unauthorized entry due to tailgating, and continues with discussions around how COVID-19 has impacted building design, forcing facility owners and designers to provide touchless entry and social distancing while upholding building security....

securitymagazine.comRapid 7 has disclosed a set of address bar spoofing vulnerabilities that affect a number of mobile browsers, ranging from the more common browsers, like Apple Safari and Opera Touch, to the less common, like Bolt Browser and RITS Browser. The announcement is a coordinated vulnerability disclosure publication with security researcher, Rafay Baloch. ...

securitymagazine.comAttacks within digital communications channels (like Slack, TEAMS, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn)  have grown more targeted, more social engineering-focused, and the payloads have become "softer,” and the risks are not in files and links/IP's alone anymore. Instead, recent attacks are laser-targeted and evade traditional detection by focusing on human connections. To find out more about these “soft attacks,” we talk to Otavio Freire, CTO, President & Co-Founder SafeGuard Cyber....

securitymagazine.comThe National Security Agency (NSA) has released a cybersecurity advisory on Chinese state-sponsored malicious cyber activity. This advisory provides 25 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) known to be recently leveraged, or scanned-for, by Chinese state-sponsored cyber actors to enable successful hacking operations against a multitude of victim networks....

TheHackersNewsGraphic for illustration Cybersecurity researchers on Tuesday disclosed details about an address bar spoofing vulnerability affecting multiple mobile browsers, such as Apple Safari and Opera Touch, leaving the door open for spear-phishing attacks and delivering malware. Other impacted browsers include UCWeb, Yandex Browser, Bolt Browser, and RITS Browser. The flaws were discovered by Pakistani...

TheHackersNewsA Windows-based remote access Trojan believed to be designed by Pakistani hacker groups to infiltrate computers and steal users' data has resurfaced after a two-year span with retooled capabilities to target Android and macOS devices. According to cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, the malware — dubbed "GravityRAT" — now masquerades as legitimate Android and macOS apps to capture device data, contact...

TheHackersNewsThe US government on Monday formally charged six Russian intelligence officers for carrying out destructive malware attacks with an aim to disrupt and destabilize other nations and cause monetary losses. The individuals, who work for Unit 74455 of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), have been accused of perpetrating the "most disruptive and destructive series of computer attacks...

threatpost.comMarking a pivot from COVID-19 scams, researchers track a single threat actor through the evolution from the pandemic to PayPal, and on to more timely voter scams -- all with the same infrastructure....

threatpost.comThe two important-severity flaws in Microsoft Windows Codecs Library and Visual Studio Code could enable remote code execution....

threatpost.comGoogle's Threat Analysis Group sheds more light on targeted credential phishing and malware attacks on the staff of Joe Biden's presidential campaign....
