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Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
threatpost.comAdobe says the two critical flaws (CVE-2020-24407 and CVE-2020-24400) could allow arbitrary code execution as well as read or write access to the database....

threatpost.comIn-game features of the just-released FIFA 21 title give scammers easy access its vast audience....

securitymagazine.comCriminals are leveraging elevated interest in COVID-19 to send emails to unsuspecting people to infect computers with ransomware, malware or other computer viruses. And why not? According to Forbes, the COVID-19 crisis has turned the U.S. workforce into a work-from-home army, giving cybercriminals new, less secure, access points for cyber viruses and phishing attacks, revealing vulnerabilities in cybersecurity strategies for the coronavirus crisis. And since there’s a tremendous curiosity for coronavirus information — people are more likely to click without checking the credibility of the source....

threatpost.comAfter backlash over false marketing around its encryption policies, Zoom will finally roll out end-to-end encryption next week....

securitymagazine.comHere, we talk to Julian Waits, General Manager of Cybersecurity at Business Unit at Devo, to find out how security operations center (SOC) leaders can create a culture of growth among their teams. ...

securitymagazine.comMandiant Threat Intelligence researchers have identified FIN11, a financially-motivated hacking group behind bold, large and long-running malware campaigns. The hackers have expanded their range of targets the past two years while using increasingly aggressive ransomware attacks....

securitymagazine.comThe FIDO Alliance will host its first Authenicate virtual conference for identity and security professionals around the world, virtually November 9-19, 2020....

securitymagazine.comNorway has blamed Russia for the August cyberattack that targeted the email system of the country's parliament. "Based on the information the government has, it is our view that Russia is responsible for these activities," Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide said in a statement, the Moscow Times reports....

securitymagazine.comCarnival Corporation has disclosed that an Aug. 15 ransomware attack accessed the personal data of guests and employees of Carnival Cruise Line, Holland America Line and Seabourn. However, Carnival said there is a "a low likelihood of the data being misused."...

securitymagazine.comSixty-three percent of government workers say they are worried that cyberattacks on candidates, political parties, and voting infrastructure will impact the integrity of the upcoming U.S. election, according to the Government & Election Cybersecurity Threat Index released by Morphisec, provider of Advanced Threat Prevention. In addition, more than 3-in-4 government workers (77%) believe that states and local governments need more federal funding to protect voting infrastructure better....

Heise Sicherheits NewsBlueZ erhält wichtige Lücken-Fixes von Intel, die in den Linux-Kernel-Code einfließen. Unter Umständen ist Remote Code Execution ohne Nutzerinteraktion möglich....

securitymagazine.comThe digitalization of industrial infrastructure is underway, and 55% of organizations are confident that the Internet of Things, as one of its key aspects, will change the state of security in industrial control systems (ICS). According to Kaspersky’s recent report, 20% of organizations have already prioritized IoT-related incidents, but effective solutions against IoT threats are not yet widespread....

TheHackersNewsThe COVID-19 outreach is turning out to be not only health, social, and economic hazard but also a cybersecurity crisis. The pandemic has presented new challenges for businesses in the areas of remote collaboration and business continuity. With increased remote working for better business continuity, employees are using numerous Internet tools. As businesses and people have started relying more...

securitymagazine.comOne thing has become clear; to abide by the “new normal” restrictions, organizations need to be constantly aware of their environments’ compliance, in real-time. To do that, they need to improve their security and situational awareness, so they can quickly assess evolving situations and respond when violations occur....

securitymagazine.comWith the emergence and continuation of the pandemic, organizations are looking for viable answers to help mitigate the immersion of remote working structures by providing real solutions that will allow organizations to get their hospitals, workforce, manufacturing and educational environments back to some sense of normal....

securitymagazine.comAwards include funding for an alternative social security number as an alternative identifier....

securitymagazine.comKentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron has gotten an approval for armed security through the end of the 2020 after he received threats to his safety. Cameron led the investigation into the raid of Breonna Taylor's apartment in March of this year.... Telos Corporation, provider of cyber, cloud and enterprise security solutions, unveiled new findings from a survey conducted by independent research firm Vanson Bourne that highlights organizations’ ongoing struggle to keep up with IT security and privacy compliance regulations....

TheHackersNewsGerman investigating authorities have raided the offices of Munich-based company FinFisher that sells the infamous commercial surveillance spyware dubbed 'FinSpy,' reportedly in suspicion of illegally exporting the software to abroad without the required authorization. Investigators from the German Customs Investigation Bureau (ZKA), ordered by the Munich Public Prosecutor's Office, searched a...

securitymagazine.comIt is well known that today we live in an unprecedented time with rampant cybercrime. And now that the COVID-19 pandemic has created unparalleled challenges including worldwide unemployment and a massive financial crisis, ironically one of the industries that has flourished is the $5.2 trillion economy of cybercrime....
