
Wichtige SicherheitsinformationenHier veröffentlichen wir Sicherheitsinfos und Updateinformationen für Sie.

Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
TheHackersNewsCybersecurity researchers today disclosed details of security vulnerabilities found in popular antivirus solutions that could enable attackers to elevate their privileges, thereby helping malware sustain its foothold on the compromised systems. According to a report published by CyberArk Labs today and shared with The Hacker News, the high privileges often associated with anti-malware products...

securitymagazine.comOn September 1 and 2, DHS Policy’s Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention program (TVTP) hosted the 5th Digital Forum on Terrorism Prevention for approximately 60 mostly Atlanta-based civil society leaders. This year’s Forum gave these leaders an opportunity to learn directly from technology and marketing experts on how to combat terrorist use of the internet. Community leaders attended multiple sessions over the two-day Forum, including: “The Threat—Narratives & Recruitment in the Online Space;” “Responses to Terrorism;” “Research, Trends & Data;” “Tech Talk & Toolkit;” and “Online to Offline Interventions & Referrals.”...

securitymagazine.comThe Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC) are releasing a joint Ransomware Guide meant to be a one-stop resource for stakeholders on how to be proactive and prevent these attacks from happening and also a detailed approach on how to respond to an attack and best resolve the cyber incident. CISA and MS-ISAC observed there are vast products and resources available, but very few that have them all in one place....

securitymagazine.comPlans to beef up perimeter security include eight-feet high fencing, plus a visitor control center and entry-control points....

securitymagazine.comIn this non-TSA-administered program, passengers concerned about crowded airport checkpoints during the pandemic may want to go through Denver International Airport....

securitymagazine.comHer Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the U.K. has been hit with 521,582 malicious email attacks over the last three months, according to official figures. The HRMC oversees tax affairs for millions of people in the U.K....

Heise Sicherheits NewsWarum sicher, wenn es auch komfortabel geht?...

securitymagazine.comHow does Uber's Global Security team ensure top-notch safety and security programs that enable global ride-hailing?...

Heise Sicherheits NewsErpressungstrojaner verschlüsseln Dateien und löschen Daten, die Opfer zur Wiederherstellung nutzen könnten. Das Gratis-Tool Raccine will Hilfe anbieten....

Heise Sicherheits NewsKriminelle nutzen eine Lücke in Microsoft Exchange, um Server zu übernehmen. Dabei gibt es seit Februar einen Patch....

securitymagazine.comESET researchers uncovered a new APT group that has been stealing sensitive documents from several governments in Eastern Europe and the Balkans since 2011. Named XDSpy by ESET, the APT group has gone largely undetected for nine years, which is rare. The espionage group has compromised many government agencies and private companies. The findings were presented today at the VB2020 localhost conference....

Heise Sicherheits NewsZwei erfahrene Security-Spezialisten erklären, wie Unternehmen erfolgreiche Cloud-Projekte auf den Weg bringen und dabei die Sicherheit nicht vernachlässigen....

securitymagazine.comThe U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is issuing an advisory to alert companies that engage with victims of ransomware attacks of the potential sanctions risks for facilitating ransomware payments. This advisory highlights OFAC’s designations of malicious cyber actors and those who facilitate ransomware transactions under its cyber-related sanctions program....

securitymagazine.comSecurity teams in the financial services sector are experiencing even more exacting demands as they defend their organizations in a world under a new and unexpected threat — a global pandemic, says a new Accenture report, "2020 Future Cyber Threats: The latest extreme but plausible threat scenarios in financial services."...

Heise Sicherheits NewsBei der Dating-Plattform Grindr konnten Angreifer Nutzerkonten leicht übernehmen, sie mussten nur eine E-Mail-Adresse kennen. Die Lücke ist nun geschlossen....

securitymagazine.comTwo men will appear in federal court to face charges that they were involved in the unauthorized takeover of social media and other personal online accounts belonging to professional and semi-professional athletes, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced....

Heise Sicherheits NewsGerade ebnete das Gesundheitsministerium den Weg für die Online-Stimmabgabe bei Sozialversicherungswahlen. Das BSI legt mit Maßnahmen zu deren Absicherung nach....

Heise Sicherheits NewsNeue Versionen von Treibern und vGPU-Software sind gegen insgesamt elf Schwachstellen abgesichert, von denen ein fast durchweg hohes Risiko ausgehen soll....

TheHackersNewsWriting advanced malware for a threat actor requires different groups of people with diverse technical expertise to put them all together. But can the code leave enough clues to reveal the person behind it? To this effect, cybersecurity researchers on Friday detailed a new methodology to identify exploit authors that use their unique characteristics as a fingerprint to track down other exploits...

Heise Sicherheits NewsWer nach einer Ransomware-Attacke Lösegeld bezahlt, könnte damit Sanktionen verletzen und so selbst kriminell werden. Davor warnt das US-Finanzministerium....
