
Wichtige SicherheitsinformationenHier veröffentlichen wir Sicherheitsinfos und Updateinformationen für Sie.

Da wir täglich in den tiefen des WWW unterwegs sind, finden wir oftmals wichtige Informationen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und bieten Ihnen so die Möglichkeiten, gewissen Gefahren auszuweichen und/oder zu beseitigen.

Leider ist es im Computeralltag so, dass immer gewisse Kreise mehr Informationen über Sie erhalten wollen, als Sie preisgeben wollen. Wir hoffen, Ihnen dadurch bei der Sicherheit Ihrer Systeme behilflich zu sein.
Heise Sicherheits NewsIn der aktuellen Chrome-Version haben die Entwickler die Sicherheit an verschiedenen Stellen gesteigert....

Heise Sicherheits NewsAngreifer könnten u.a. Office, Windows und Windows Server attackieren. Updates schützen, unter anderem vor der SIGRed getauften DNS-Lücke....

securitymagazine.comThe UK has banned Huawei from its 5G telecom network, reversing a January decision to allow the embattled Chinese tech company a limited role in building the country's super-fast wireless infrastructure....

securitymagazine.comPark Place Technologies, a global IT leader focused on optimizing data centers and IT infrastructure, announced that John Parlee has joined the company as Chief Information Security Officer....

securitymagazine.comBeyond the essential functions of security monitoring and recording, IP video surveillance offers myriad video analytic behaviors that can help retail businesses during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic....

securitymagazine.comNew research released by Emsi reveals that the US has less than half of the cybersecurity candidates it needs to keep up with ever-intensifying demand. The research says the answer to this challenge is a Build (Don’t Buy) strategy....

securitymagazine.comThe Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC-CAE), a new center at the University of Southern California will bring together students to study the fields of national security and intelligence....

securitymagazine.comA new partnership between Southern State Community College and the University of Cincinnati School of Information Technology will allow students to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology – Cyber Security from UC....

securitymagazine.comISACA's new COBIT guidance builds upon best practices shared for the governance and management of information and technology aimed at the whole enterprise through the lens of information security, and details additional metrics and activities that should be considered when implementing or assessing COBIT in the context of information security....

TheHackersNewsCybersecurity researchers today disclosed a new highly critical "wormable" vulnerability—carrying a severity score of 10 out of 10 on the CVSS scale—affecting Windows Server versions 2003 to 2019. The 17-year-old remote code execution flaw (CVE-2020-1350), dubbed 'SigRed' by Check Point, could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to gain domain administrator privileges over targeted...

Heise Sicherheits NewsIm Darknet werden Daten von 142 Mio. Hotelgästen angeboten, die von der gehackten Datenleck-Plattform "Data Viper" stammen sollen. Deren Betreiber dementiert....

threatpost.comThe software giant released patches for four critical vulnerabilities and five different platforms....

securitymagazine.comTheft, fraud and losses from other retail “shrink” totaled $61.7 billion in 2019, up from $50.6 billion the year before as industry security executives reported increases in the number of shoplifting, organized retail crime and employee theft incidents, according to the annual National Retail Security Survey released by the National Retail Federation....

threatpost.comAs colleges and universities prepare for the fall semester, email protections against surging threats like BEC and phishing are lagging....

TheHackersNewsAdobe today released software updates to patch a total of 13 new security vulnerabilities affecting 5 of its widely used applications. Out of these 13 vulnerabilities, four have been rated critical, and nine are important in severity. The affected products that received security patches today include: Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Application Adobe Media Encoder Adobe Genuine Service Adobe...

TheHackersNewsIn the world of professional IT, recruiters look for certificates as an important criterion for eligibility and assessing skills. Any IT professional with résumé that includes CompTIA certificates tends to rise up the pile. Of course, there are many different CompTIA exams you can choose from based on your interest and already chosen path. Our educational and industry partners have...

threatpost.comCybercriminals know that mobile devices are less secure, so it’s no surprise that last year Verizon found that 4 in 10 companies were breached through a mobile device....

Heise Sicherheits NewsEs gibt wichtige Sicherheitsupdates für verschiedene VMware-Anwendungen....

Heise Sicherheits NewsSicherheitsforscher haben im Darknet eine Datenbank mit Namen, Adressen, Reisepass- und weiteren Daten von mehr als 45 Millionen Reisenden entdeckt....

securitymagazine.comGovernor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Public Health expanded statewide its indoor closures for businesses that encourage mixing of individuals beyond immediate households and make physical distancing and wearing face coverings difficult....
