Windows Downloads

Hier finden Sie die neuesten Downloads für das Windows Betriebssystem.
ArchiveorgSoftwareTandy Discovery Pack Plus [Disk H1] EMotion - Tandy (Disk Image) Includes 2x different disk set dumps. GreaseWeazle image, SuperCard Pro format. (Created with 5 revolutions, 82 tracks) Includes: SPC, ST, STX, HFEv3....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: 7z, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareArchived Windows 2000 Standard Server beta setups..This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwareTandy Discovery Pack Plus [Disk G] Eliminator / Nebulus / PacMania - Tandy (Disk Image) Includes 2x different disk set dumps. GreaseWeazle image, SuperCard Pro format. (Created with 5 revolutions, 82 tracks) Includes: SPC, ST, STX, HFEv3....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: 7z, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareTandy Discovery Pack Plus [Disk F1]+[Disk F2] MicroProse Soccer - Tandy (Disk Image) GreaseWeazle image, SuperCard Pro format. (Created with 5 revolutions, 82 tracks) Includes: SPC, ST, STX, HFEv3. SCP: Created using Greaseweazle (Keir Fraser) and IBM PC 1.44 ALPS disk drive....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: 7z, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareTandy Discovery Pack Plus [Disk E] Atari Grand Prix - Tandy (Disk Image) GreaseWeazle image, SuperCard Pro format. (Created with 5 revolutions, 82 tracks) Includes: SPC, ST, STX, HFEv3. SCP: Created using Greaseweazle (Keir Fraser) and IBM PC 1.44 ALPS disk drive....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: 7z, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareTandy Discovery Pack Plus [Disk D] Super Hang-On - Tandy (Disk Image) GreaseWeazle image, SuperCard Pro format. (Created with 5 revolutions, 82 tracks) Includes: SPC, ST, STX, HFEv3. SCP: Created using Greaseweazle (Keir Fraser) and IBM PC 1.44 ALPS disk drive....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: 7z, Archive BitTorrent, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareTextures for Real Solar Systems Homepage:* Repository: License(s): CC-BY-NC-SA.This item belongs to: software/kspckanmods.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwareYet another F-Droid client ------- New in version 1.2 * Persist sorting order across application restarts * Display Open Collective donation links * Rework text strings -------- Unofficial F-Droid client in the style of the classic one....This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Android Package Archive, Archive BitTorrent, GZIP, Item Tile, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, PNG...

ArchiveorgSoftwareTextures for Real Solar Systems Homepage:* Repository: License(s): CC-BY-NC-SA.This item belongs to: software/kspckanmods.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP... DownloadsSommer-Urlauber sollten gewarnt sein: Am Balkan und in einer beliebten Urlaubsregion explodieren aktuell die Corona-Infektionszahlen. Wir zeigen die Corona-Live-Karte mit allen Hotspots und aktuellen Zahlen.... DownloadsWie behält man den Überblick über all die Logins und Passwörter? Meist ist die beste Lösung ein guter Passwortmanager. Das Open-Source-Tool Bitwarden ist eine starke und kostenlose Möglichkeit, um Passwörter sicher zu verwalten. Das wurde jetzt bei einem Security-Audit nochmals bestätigt.... DownloadsEinfach, schnell und gut: Mit dem Kauf-Programm MP3jam können Sie beliebige Songs abspielen oder als MP3 auf die Festplatte herunterladen.... DownloadsMit Gpg4win verschlüsseln Sie Ihre E-Mails wie ein Geheimagent um vertrauliche Nachrichten zu versenden.... DownloadsTelegram ist eine Messenger-Alternative zu WhatsApp, die dank Verschlüsselung sicheres Chatten verspricht und dank "Telegram for Desktop" auch auf dem PC genutzt werden kann.... Downloads"Ventoy" ist ein kostenloses Opensource-Tool zum Erstellen von bootfähigen USB-Sticks mit ISO-Dateien....

Heise Downloads und UpdatesScreenrecorder zum Aufnehmen eines Bildschirmausschnitts, eines einzelnes Fensters oder des gesamten Desktops;...

ArchiveorgSoftware15.6.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Metadata... item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, ZIP...

ArchiveorgSoftwareHiêuvip sdad.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, Unknown...

ArchiveorgSoftwaredsadsadsa.This item belongs to: software/open_source_software.This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Metadata, Unknown...
