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PC-WELT Alle NewsSeat kommt BMW zuvor und führt als erster Automobilhersteller Europas Alexa in seinen Fahrzeugen ein. Aber nur für Android....

PC-WELT Alle NewsSicherheitsforscher haben eine neue Sicherheitslücke in Intel-CPUs entdeckt und diese auf den Namen "Foreshadow" getauft. Es gibt aber keinen Grund zur Panik....

PC-WELT Alle NewsChristian Ghisler hat Total Commander 9.21 veröffentlicht. Es korrigiert einige Fehler des Vorgängers, bringt aber auch neue Features....

computerworld.comThe Treasury Department recently released a report urging state and federal regulators to revamp outdated statutes and support technological innovations such as AI, machine learning and blockchain that could make the U.S. financial system more nimble and competitive.The 222-page report, commissioned by the Trump Administration 18 months ago, focused on non-bank financial services firms, such as credit lending, servicing organizations and payments networks, as well as fintech companies – tech vendors focused on innovation.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsSo exklusiv wie die Höllenmaschine ist auch das Headset von beyerdynamic, das der Gewinner dazubekommt......

computerworld.comMicrosoft may have fixed July’s horrible, no good, very bad patches. Although the initial documentation for this month’s patches included warnings about many of the bugs that persisted from July, it ends up that the docs were wrong, and most of the known problems seem to be fixed. As of early Reboot Wednesday morning, the patches seem to be behaving themselves. Of course, it frequently takes days or even weeks for bugs to appear, so you’d be well advised to avoid jumping into the unpaid battle zone for now.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle News10-Zoll-Tablet mit riesigem Akku, Snapdragon 660 und LTE-Unterstützung für 240 Euro angekündigt....

computerworld.comLike most big corporations, Apple’s financial statements always warn that currency fluctuation poses risks to its business performance - but it could mitigate such risk, perhaps with its own virtual money.More stable than currency The problem with currency decline is that it impacts prices and revenues and can impact a company’s projected performance.A Decluttr survey last year revealed that iPhones hold value longer than other smartphone brands. (At a stretch, you could argue that this makes them a more stable financial investment than some currencies.)To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsBlack-Vault-Betreiber will fast 5.000 geheime CIA-Dokumente veröffentlichen und bittet dafür um finanzielle Unterstützung....

PC-WELT Alle NewsFür das modular aufgebaute Windows Core OS sucht Microsoft einen Chef-Entwickler, der ein 50-köpfiges Team anführt....

computerworld.comMore than one organization has been working on solving a major blockchain conundrum: how to improve sluggish transaction performance.To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comThis small IT service provider has two new customers about a hundred miles apart -- and a serious barrier to serving one of them, reports a pilot fish working there."One of the customers had a cartridge tape unit attached to their existing system, but we couldn't read those cartridges," fish says. "The other customer had a system with both a cartridge tape drive and an open-reel drive that handled tapes our system could read."Fish knows it should be possible to use the second customer's data center as a conversion facility to move data between cartridges and reels for the first customer -- at least in theory.Second customer is willing to give that arrangement a try. First customer creates a cartridge tape for a trial data-conversion test, and fish picks it up and drives to the second customer's data center.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDie Testplattform DisplayMate vergibt für das Display von Samsungs Galaxy Note 9 die Bestnote A+....

PC-WELT Alle NewsBethesda fordert eine Crossplay-Unterstützung für The Elder Scrolls: Legends und Fallout 76. Sony stellt sich jedoch quer....

PC-WELT Alle NewsMit neuen Updates für seine PDF-Produkte schliesst Adobe zwei kritische Lücken. Auch der Flash Player bekommt ein Update....

PC-WELT Alle NewsBeim Update-Dienstag im August hat Microsoft 60 Lücken beseitigt. Betroffen sind Windows, Edge, IE, Office sowie weitere Software....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Wahnsinn geht weiter - wir bauen weiter an der Höllenmaschine X Pro: Heute ist das Gehäuse unserer Monster-Workstation dran....

computerworld.comGoogle's new Android 9 Pie release has plenty of fresh features and interface changes, but one of the software's most significant security improvements has managed to stay mostly off the radar.In addition to all of the oft-discussed privacy and security enhancements, y'see, Pie has an out-of-sight and semi-advanced option. It's not something you'd use every day - or often at all, really - but if the right sort of occasion ever comes along, you'll be glad you have it enabled.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comApple’s focus on machine intelligence in imaging and digital health seems likely to accelerate development of innovative health solutions, grabbing iOS developers a slice of this fast-growing market segment.A healthy opportunity A recent Signify Research survey claims artificial intelligence (AI) in medical imaging will become a $2 billion market by 2023, pointing to the rapid evolution of various forms of analysis and detection software.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comCompanies have long relied on solid-state drive (SSD) technology to power their data centers. But not all SSD tools are built equal. Many of today’s off-the-shelf and client-grade solutions can fail, just when it matters most.That’s a problem. Not only do organizations rely on data center servers to keep critical systems up and running, but they can be an important source of revenue, especially for cloud services providers.The high cost of failureThen there are the considerable costs of data center server failures: According to an ITIC survey, 81% of respondents indicated that a single hour of downtime cost their business over $300,000. And a staggering one-third or 33% of enterprises estimate an hour of downtime to cost $1 million to over $5 million. Not to mention the psychological and productivity toll an outage can take on IT teams.To read this article in full, please click here...
