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computerworld.comApple will hold its 29th Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) June 4-8 at its new home, the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose. Here’s what to expect.What is Apple saying? Short answer: Not much. Some Apple watchers may get a little pleasure unpacking the company’s statement issued when it announced the event: "Every year, WWDC provides an opportunity for millions of developers to learn more about how to create new experiences across Apple's platforms for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Mac and HomePod," it said.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comOn a scale from 1 to 10, Microsoft in March has ratcheted the patching pace up to 11. The good news is that there are no known exploits for any of the “Critical” rated security holes. (Worth repeating: There are still no known exploits for Meltdown or Spectre.) The bad news? Reports of another forced upgrade to Win10 Fall Creators Update. Still waiting for confirmation on that one.By the numbers As usual, Martin Binkmann on, has the best summary:To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comIt's a year before Y2K, and this company is getting desperate to make sure all its workstations and its aging mainframe will make it to the year 2000, reports a pilot fish there."My department was charged to spend 1999 checking every machine in the building for Y2K compliance, and the programmers were charged with insuring all code was Y2K compliant," fish says."My manager was in full panic mode due to all the Y2K infomercials she had seen, and in April she hired a consultant to come in and give a speech to our department. The consultant gave the usual gloom-and-doom talk about Y2K and then asked were there any questions."Fish raises his hand. You stated that part of the problem could include microwave ovens in our cafeteria, he says. Is that true?To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comMacs accounted for approximately one in every 10 personal computers used to reach the web over the last two months, according to recent data from an analytics vendor.By the tally of California-based Net Applications, macOS - the operating system that runs natively only on Macs - powered 10% of the global PC user share in January and an almost-flat 9.9% in February. The latter's number was 3.7 percentage points higher than 12 months prior, when macOS accounted for just 6.2% of all personal computers.[ Further reading: 40 tips to get the most from your Mac (and macOS 'High Sierra') ] (Much of the one-year jump in macOS user share was credited to a one-time adjustment by Net Applications in late 2017; the move added 2.8 percentage points, or about three-fourths of the total increase, to the operating system's total when the firm scrubbed its data of bogus traffic promulgated by criminals' "bots.")To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comAmong the million-plus apps in Google Play are these 10 essentials you simply cannot do without. There are more than 3.5 million apps in the Google Play store, but these 10 deserve a spot on your home screen....

computerworld.comORLANDO, Fla. – The wide variety of collaboration and communications tools now available to businesses can help connect employees in different locations, but can also result in fragmented and siloed conversations. With that in mind, a new breed of team collaboration chat apps has emerged in recent years that, in many cases, incorporate video and voice call functionality alongside text-based messaging. That means enterprise organizations can begin to  consolidate some of their existing communication tools into a single platform deployed across the business, according to a panel of CIOs at the Enterprise Connect conference here in Orlando.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThe inexpensive Sling TV service lets you watch live television on nearly any device, though it could use a wider selection of channels. Sling TV is a full-featured, reliable streaming video service that lets you cut your cable and still watch all the live TV you want....

pcmag.comCorel continues to offer one of the most feature-packed consumer video editing packages around. Support for 360-degree VR content, masking, and time-remapping debut in the latest version. Corel continues to offer one of the most feature-packed consumer video editing packages around. The 2018 update adds even more including 360-degree support, 3D titles, and action-cam lens correction....

pcmag.comApple's iPhone not up your alley? Here's how to find the right Google-powered alternative, along with our top-rated Android phones....

pcmag.comWe test 10 online learning platforms for businesses, whether they are tools designed for training companies that sell courses and services to third-parties, or for companies conducting training with internal staff. Business training can be a chore, but these online learning platforms make learning fun for course creators and students alike.... Top NewsGute Nachrichten für alle Rauch-Liebhaber: Der zehnjährige Laphroaig wird augenblicklich für gerade mal 29,99 Euro angeboten.... Top NewsAm 15. März kommt "Tomb Raider" mit Alicia Vikander in die Kinos. Ganze 15 Jahre nach Angelina Jolie erweckt Vikander die Videospiel-Ikone Lara Croft nun wieder zum Leben. Glaubt man den ersten Meinungen, punktet der Film vor allem mit einer starken Hauptdarstellerin, leistet sich aber bei der gesamten Inszenierung mehrere Schwächen.... Top NewsAnonymität im Netz, Geo-Sperren umgehen und dabei keine Geschwindigkeitsbussen in Kauf nehmen müssen - all das verspricht die Vollversion von OkayFreedom. Unser CHIP Magazin verschenkt die Jahreslizenz mit unbegrenztem Volumen.... Top NewsHeute geht es wieder los: CHIP zockt! Dreimal die Woche schauen wir uns neue und alte Games an und freuen uns auf eine gepflegte Unterhaltung mit der Community. Immer Dienstag bis Donnerstag, 18 bis 21 Uhr. Und meistens verlosen wir etwas Cooles. Heute im Stream: Rocket League... Top NewsNicht nur bei Verbrauchern liegen E-Autos im Trend, auch Verkehrsbetriebe wollen vermehrt auf den neuen Antrieb umsatteln. Das Angebot an passenden Elektrobussen ist bisher allerdings begrenzt. Das will Daimler noch in diesem Jahr ändern und mit dem Citaro Elektro den ersten 12 Meter langen deutschen Stromer auf den Markt bringen.... Top News1.000 Kilometer Reichweite mit einem Stromer ohne wesentliche Mehrkosten - diesen Traum könnte das chinesische Unternehmen Techrules mit dem "Range Extender" verwirklichen. Die Gasturbine soll ab 2021 Elektroautos aller Art mit zusätzlicher Reichweite versorgen. Und das zu einem Preis von gerade einmal 1.300 Euro....

computerworld.comOn the surface, Google's Android P release - in its current, unfinished form - isn't exactly what you'd call "exciting."Yes, the first developer preview of Android P has plenty of fresh functional touches (including a new native system for editing screenshots on the fly - who woulda thunk?!). And yes, it has its fair share of visual refinements, too.But the bulk of Android P's biggest features so far have revolved around under-the-hood improvements - things like support for a newer Wi-Fi protocol that'll improve indoor location pinpointing, a more advanced system of image processing and compression for developers to utilize, and a more intelligent system for data management that'll let apps prefetch data only when network conditions are optimal.To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle PraxistippsSeit wann es den Euro gibt, wissen die etwas älteren Menschen noch ganz gut. Die Währungsreform war wegen seiner politischen Dimension in Bezug auf Europa ein Ereignis. Für die jüngeren unserer Leser erklären wir, wann das Zahlungsmittel eingeführt wurde. … ... mehr... Top NewsDas äusserst beliebte Battle-Royale-Game Fortnite findet schon bald seinen Weg auf Android und iOS. Jetzt können sich Mobile-Gamer kostenlos für die Beta-Phase anmelden. Auf erste Einladungen müssen Fans derweil noch warten. Der Hersteller warnt ungeduldige Spieler vor falschen Download-Links.... Top NewsMit BeeZero wollte Linde beweisen das Wasserstoff betriebene Autos im Alltag gut funktionieren. Das Carsharing Unternehmen ist seit beinahe zwei Jahren mit 50 Autos in München aktiv. Zum Sommer stellt das Unternehmen den Betrieb ein....
