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computerworld.comMicrosoft this week pushed out 61 Patch Tuesday updates with no reports of public disclosures or other zero-days affecting the larger ecosystem (Windows, Office, .NET). Though there are three updated packages from February, they're just informational changes with no further action is required.The team at Readiness has crafted this helpful infographic outlining the risks associated with each of the March updates.Known issues Each month, Microsoft publishes a list of known issues that relate to the operating system and platforms included in the latest update cycle; for March, there are two minor issues reported:To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comRing's most advanced wireless video doorbell Ring’s most feature-rich video doorbell yet, the Battery Doorbell Pro offers head-to-toe vertical viewing, 3D motion detection with Ring’s aerial Bird’s Eye View tracking, color night vision, and more. It’s a battery-powered device that installs in minutes and works with the Alexa voice assistant plus …...

pcmag.comRing's smartest doorbell is also its priciest Editors' Note: This product's name has changed from the Video Doorbell Pro 2. We've updated our original review from May 18, 2021 to reflect this change. This is the most recent version of the Ring Wired Doorbell Pro. Ring’s premium smart doorbell, the Wired Doorbell …...

pcmag.comYou can now buy genuine replacement parts for Polaroid's pricey I-2 Instant Camera and find repair guides from iFixit. Living up to its name, the Impossible Project brought Polaroid back to life with new cameras, including the good (though flawed) Polaroid I-2 Instant camera. But at $600, the idea of breaking it is mildly terrifying. Thankfully, iFixit has teamed up with …...

pcmag.comThe company is looking to hire a 'lawful intercept engineer' to respond to government data requests for its upcoming Starlink 'Direct to Cell' service. As SpaceX develops a cellular Starlink service for phones, It’s also preparing to comply with regulations that’ll require the company to surveil specific users due to government requests. A recent job notice notes that the company is looking to hire …...

pcmag.comThe retail giant is offering 2020's M1 MacBook Air for $699 through a partnership with Apple. Surprisingly, Walmart has only sold Mac products through third-party merchants on its website, but that changes today with a new Apple partnership.Walmart is now officially selling the 2020 M1 MacBook Air for only $699. The 13.3-inch laptop is …...

computerworld.comApple has quietly acquired yet another AI startup, Canada’s Darwin AI, a company  focused on machine vision intelligence, smart manufacturing, improved machine learning efficiency and edge-based intelligence.All of these seem critical to Apple’s future plans.Who is Darwin AI? As reported by Bloomberg, several members of the Darwin AI team have now joined Apple. Ostensibly a visual quality inspection company, Darwin AI was developed to provide electronics manufacturers with a tool to improve product quality and production efficiency.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comDespite multiple arrests and being disrupted by global law enforcement, Lockbit ransomware affiliates are still offering up US businesses' data. When will Lockbit get shut down for good? The infamous Lockbit ransomware gang is still active and shared data from five cyberattacks this week despite a global law enforcement infiltration last month.Lockbit purportedly posted data from five new victims on its dark web site Thursday, according to cybersecurity firm Falcon Feeds. The victims appear …...

pcmag.comWhether you're a beginning coder or a seasoned developer, these are the laptops that will help you power through your next deadline project. A decent programming laptop will have the performance to support the unique demands of software development. That means looking closely at every aspect of the laptop: the processor (CPU), the memory (RAM), the storage (solid-state or spinning drive), and the graphics (GPU). (Credit: Brian Westover)From the …...

pcmag.comTools like Midjourney make it easy to churn out AI images and list them for rock-bottom prices without disclosures, endangering the livelihoods of the real-life artists who struggle to compete. Etsy's reputation as a haven for small, independent creators has come into question as tools like Midjourney have made it easy to list art without disclosing that it's been AI-generated, and shoppers are not happy."The fact that it’s AI isn’t listed anywhere," says one Reddit user who purchased a stock …... News RSSEin Sturm der Empörung tobte durch den (Boulevard-)Blätterwald, als Kate Middleton, die Prinzessin von Wales, ein nachträglich bearbeitetes Foto von sich veröffentlichte. Medien rund um den Globus thematisierten die Bildmanipulation und schrieben von Schummelei und Glaubwürdigkeit, die der Palast dadurch einbüsse.... News RSSMichael Lüthold, bisher Interimschef von Infinigate Schweiz, wird ab dem 1. April neuer Managing Director, wie das Unternehmen mitteilt. Damit wird er auch auf Dauer die Leitung der Schweizer Niederlassung des Value Added Distributors übernehmen können....

pcmag.comTo protest age-verification laws, Pornhub blocks access in Texas, following Utah, Montana, and more. VPNs can help you get around that, but this type of legislation is part of a troubling trend. Pornhub is now blocked in Texas amid a battle over the state's age-verification law.Texas joins Arkansas, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Virginia, and Utah, where the adult site is also blocked, unless you try to get around it with a VPN (more on that below).At issue in Texas is HB 1181, …... News RSSDer Verwaltungsrat der SBB wird an der nächsten Generalversammlung im April Clara Millard Dereudre als neue Verwaltungsrätin vorschlagen. Sie soll Alexandra Post ersetzen, die aufgrund der Amtszeitbeschränkung von zwölf Jahren nicht mehr zur Wiederwahl antritt.... News RSSAm 14. März 1994 wurde die Version 1.0 des Linux-Kernels veröffentlicht. Sie enthielt 176'250 Zeilen Code und war die erste Linux-Version, die für den produktiven Einsatz geeignet war.... Aktuelle PraxistippsBernstein ist in Enshrouded eine seltene Ressource, die Sie für zahlreiche Crafting-Rezepte benötigen. Mehrere Spots stehen für den Abbau zur Verfügung. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comTrust us; these paid iOS apps are substantially better than their free and ad-supported competitors.... News RSSIn der Region Luzern West kommt der Glasfaserausbau durch die grossen Telcos nicht recht voran. Denn die ländliche Region habe für sie schlicht keine Priorität, heisst es einer Mitteilung von Prioris. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Firma, die von Gemeinden in der Region gegründet wurde, um den Netzausbau voranzutreiben.... News RSSNach langem hin und her haben National- und Ständerat der Übergangsfinanzierung für das elektronische Patientendossier (EPD) zugestimmt. Ersterer gab bereits am Mittwoch seine Zustimmung, dies äusserst knapp mit 93 zu 92 Stimmen bei 7 Enthaltungen. Am heutigen Freitag, 15. März, billigte das Gesetz nun auch der Ständerat mit 28 zu 6 Stimmen.... News RSSDie Lausanner Stadtverwaltung habe beschlossen, die Multimedia-Aktivitäten der Services Industriels de Lausanne (SIL) in der Stadt Lausanne neu zu organisieren. Man wolle die Ressourcen in der Stadt erhöhen, um dort ein vielfältiges Angebot bieten zu können, so eine Mitteilung....
