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computerworld.comApple’s focus on augmented reality (AR) is impacting far beyond the gaming and entertainment industries, and the AR business case is growing as enterprises continue to seek out new ways to deploy the tech to reach customers.ARKit 2.0 opens virtual doors Since Apple introduced ARKit, a slew of high-profile apps such as those from IKEA (and more recently, Curry’s) have shown how retailers hope to use the technology to reach consumers.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comI don’t know why Microsoft refuses to address legitimate, repeated, massively documented complaints about its Surface devices. We saw it happen with “Flickergate” - the profusely documented tendency of some Surface Pro 4 machines to flicker like fireflies in heat. It took more than a year of complaints and threatened lawsuits before Microsoft finally owned up to the problem and offered refurbished replacements. To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsMedienberichten zufolge sollen russische Hacker hunderte US-Stromversorger angegriffen haben....

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Jackpot der US-Lotterie MegaMillions steht bei 512 Mio. Dollar. Hier können Sie von Deutschland aus 3 Felder für 3,50 Euro spielen....

PC-WELT Alle NewsAuf einer amerikanischen Samsung-Seite war für kurze Zeit eine neue Smartwatch von Samsung zu sehen: die Galaxy Watch....

PC-WELT Alle NewsAVM startet am Dienstag mit der Bereitstellung der finalen Version von FritzOS 7. Diese Neuerung sind mit an Bord....

PC-WELT Alle NewsGoogle erhöht den Druck auf Website-Betreiber: Der neue Chrome 68 warnt vor dem Besuch von HTTP-Seiten....

PC-WELT Alle NewsKunden aus Deutschland können die neuen Xiaomi-Smartphones ab sofort bei Gearbest versandkostenfrei bestellen....

computerworld.comGather 'round, kiddos: Granpappy Writerman has a story to share. And stick with me through this, 'cause I swear it's building up to something important - something that may just shift how you think about one of tech's most titillating topics.Way back in 2009, you see, an upstart little company known as Google came out with a strange-seeming operating system called Chrome OS. In the beginning, it was a humble effort - with nary more to its name than a maximized browser window locked down onto unremarkable hardware.But Google saw promise in this fledgling project - and despite the broad dismissals and echoes of laughter surrounding it, the company stayed focused and worked tirelessly to refine the formula. There had to be a balance of simplicity and function that'd make a cloud-centric computing platform compelling, Google thought, and now was the time to find it.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsDer Anteil der Android-Geräte, auf denen Android 8 installiert ist, ist massiv gestiegen. Und zum ersten Mal zweistellig....

PC-WELT Alle NewsIm Netz sind Spezifikationen zu neuen Intel-Prozessoren aufgetaucht. Darunter der i9-9900K, i7-9700K sowie i5-9600K....

computerworld.comIt's quite a few years back, and this consultant pilot fish is assigned to visit a customer with a history of intermittent and hard-to-pin-down issues."After I talked with the boss, the decision was to try realigning the heads on their big disk drive," says fish. "Because the system was critical infrastructure during the day, the work needed to be done in the middle of the night -- and done it was."The friendly operator was not an early riser, so he had asked if I could reboot the production system after the alignment. I mounted the production pack and initiated the boot -- only to see the boot device jam, and hear the disk-drive diagnostic -- which was still in memory -- start writing over the production boot block.To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsSchockierende Nachricht aus dem Höllenstudio: Wir haben bisher nur 32 GB RAM für die HMX! Hier die Gründe......

PC-WELT Alle NewsMicrosoft arbeitet an einem Spiele-Streaming-Dienst und mit Shield TV ist die erste Spiele-Streaming-Box schon da. Eine tolle Entwicklung!...

PC-WELT Alle NewsBei Media Markt bekommen Sie für kurze Zeit das Galaxy S9 mit Tarif inklusive Gear S3 für einen sehr attraktiven Preis....

PC-WELT Alle NewsFans haben mit "Return of the Tentacle" einen inoffiziellen Nachfolger zum Klassiker "Day of the Tentacle" veröffentlicht....

PC-WELT Alle NewsMozilla bietet Firefox in einer Spezial-Version an, mit der Nutzer auf Bug-Jagd gehen und letztendlich auch Geld verdienen können....

PC-WELT Alle NewsWer auf einem iPhone surft, muss womöglich dazu mehr Zeit aufwenden als die Konkurrenz bei Android....

PC-WELT Alle NewsNun sagt auch Firefox den Websites den Kampf an, die beim Aufruf automatisch Video- und Audio-Inhalte abspielen....

computerworld.comGoogle has announced the second of two partnerships that will allow it to offer the financial services industry and others a cloud-based platform on which they can develop and run blockchain-based applications.In a blog post ahead of its Google Cloud Next '18 conference this week, the search giant said it is partnering with Digital Asset and BlockApps to enable customers to "explore ways they might use distributed ledger technology (DLT) frameworks on Google's Cloud Platform (GCP)."To read this article in full, please click here...