Top NewsDie Löwen brüllen jetzt erst im September 2018 wieder. Vox schenkt seinem Strassenfeger "Die Höhle der Löwen" eine fünfte Staffel. Die Besetzung bleibt gleich. Keine gute Entscheidung, sagt ein CHIP-Redakteur.... Top NewsHeute wird wieder gestreamt! Wir schmeissen dreimal die Woche den Livestream an, öffnen ein paar Dosen und labern zu neuen, alten und gruseligen Spielen in die Kamera - und ihr seid dabei! Heute: das weltberühmte MOBA League of Legends.... Top NewsWenn die Fluktuationsraten steigen, sollten Chefs handeln. Jedoch erkennen diese oftmals nicht, welche Fehler sie gegenüber ihren Mitarbeitern machen und dadurch zur Kündigung treiben. Sie sind Chef und verlieren nach und nach gute Mitarbeiter? Dann vermeiden sie folgende Fehler......

computerworld.comWe've already looked at gifts for iPhone users. It seems appropriate to also grab a glance at a few great gift ideas for notebook Macs.A home hub: Elgato Thunderbolt 3 Dock MacBook Pro users will want an Elgato Thunderbolt 3 dock (c.$300). Not only does the powered dock recharge any devices even when you take your Mac away, but it provides a seamless and efficient way to continue to use all those old USB devices – all through a single port. Not only this, but you can run an external monitor and recharge your iPhone. Using just one cable from your Mac. You can run external storage, connect using the HDMI port and plug your Ethernet into the dock.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.com2017 was a truly transformative year in the history of corporate IT. I would even go so far as to say that, in my 25-year history working with Windows in large organizations, I think this has been the single most significant year yet.The transformation has been the realization that the way we think about every aspect of Windows management, from minor change to full-scale migrations, has to change. It’s worth repeating that the instruments of this collective revelation were WannaCry and NotPetya, which caused some of the worst damage I have seen in my career, so much so that I now think disaster planning must take such attacks into account.For most CIOs, CTOs and even CFOs, the penny likely dropped in the time it took to discover that a significant proportion of the UK’s National Health Service’s IT infrastructure had been compromised – because of an outdated operating system and the fact that NHS ignored simple security best practices.To read this article in...

computerworld.comThis powerful full-speed 5200mAh charger from Lumina features huge 2.4A output to keep your devices powered up while you're out, or in an emergency. The charger currently averages 5 out of 5 stars on Amazon from over 380 reviewers (read recent reviews here). This item has been included as one of Amazon's "Prime Week" deals of the day, so right now its typical list price of $49.99 has been cut 75% down to just $12.74. See this deal now on Amazon.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comThis pilot fish has been both a regular IT employee and a consultant, and he's noticed a few key differences in what that means in practice -- especially with users.Case in point: "As an employee, I've been dragged into every request that someone on the business side thinks I can help them with," says fish. "That's mostly related to the systems and data I support, but a lot that's totally unrelated."Unfortunately, they don't want to hear that you're busy or have other priorities or don't know how to help them. You're IT, you're supposed to provide service."But as a contractor, I've figured out the easy answer: 'I'd be happy to help, but the IT manager' -- or whoever my boss is -- 'signs my timesheet. I need their approval.'To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comAlexa, the helpful assistant best known as the voice of Amazon Echo and Echo Dot devices, offers a range of "skills" right out of the box. It can perform a variety of tasks such as looking up information, setting a timer, playing music, activating smart home devices and more.But what happens if there's a certain skill you want that Alexa doesn't do?You can do what Sharon Machlis did and code your own.Machlis, IDG's director of editorial analytics and data, explained to Computerworld Executive Editor Ken Mingis why you might want to develop your own skill and detailed some of the things to keep in mind if you decide to do so. To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comSymphony has been called a ‘Bloomberg-killer’ since its launch in 2014 because it offers a cheaper alternative to the chat function in the popular data terminals long considered a mainstay for traders.The secure messaging and collaboration platform started out as an in-house chat tool at Goldman Sachs, providing secure communications between employees and allowing them to easily share sensitive documents. Symphony is now valued at over $1 billion, according to reports, and has 235,000 subscribers, with users that range from traders and portfolio managers to salespeople and risk managers.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comA strong focus on privacy is online backup service SpiderOak ONE's biggest appeal, and it's highly customizable, too. It's not cheap, however, nor is it well suited for novice users....

computerworld.comWhat better for a slow news day than a quick and easy guide to some of the best iPhone-related accessories you can get for the Apple user in your life this season?  A Bluetooth speaker: JBL Flip 4 If you want a Bluetooth speaker system that’s high on audio quality and connection stability, take a look at this relatively affordable system from JBL. Not only is it highly portable, but it's waterproof enough to be thrown into three feet of water for up to half an hour and still work fine. (The manufacturer’s claim.) You can even purchase two of these systems and twin them together as stereo speakers.There’s also a built-in mic so you can use it as a speaker phone or even to ask Siri questions, such as: “Why is HomePod delayed?” It picked up four stars from sister site, TechHive.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comFor three decades this was speech recognition: You would talk to your computer, typically using a head-mounted microphone and either the unpublicized speech-recognition app in Microsoft Windows or a version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, from Nuance Communications. If you enunciated carefully, words would appear on the screen or commands would be executed.To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)...

computerworld.comFlashback to the days of text-based email, when this company has a 32K limit on how big an email message can be -- and that's usually fine, says a pilot fish working there."But then someone sent a message to everyone in the corporation -- there were a few thousand of us -- and it crashed every email client in the organization," fish says."There were so many addressees that when you tried to read it, the program halted at the 32K point, so we couldn't even see what the earth-shattering message was."I pulled the offending message into a word processor and scrolled to the bottom. The message was in German, so I forwarded it to a friend in another company who speaks the language. He translated it as a notice that a tiny server in Germany, with about eight users, was going down for maintenance that night.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comFirefox isn’t the most popular browser in the world - that honor now goes to Google Chrome - but it still has an ardent following. And after slipping in recent years, it has been on something of a rebound this year. On top of that, Mozilla made a big deal about the release of the latest version – Firefox Quantum – which the company says is twice as fast as the browser was earlier this year. (It’s available for download if you haven’t tried it yet, and want to.)To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsIn vielen Videospielen wird Heilung oder Gesundheit durch ein rotes Kreuz symbolisiert. Mittlerweise sieht man das Symbol jedoch immer seltener. Das hat seine Gründe - denn streng genommen hätte das rote Kreuz nie in irgendeinem Videospiel auftauchen dürfen.... Top NewsProbleme beim Autofahren braucht wirklich niemand. Und wenn es doch mal dazu kommt, können Sie sich mit ein paar Minuten Aufwand jede Menge Stress ersparen. Dank unserer 3 PDF-Vorlagen zum Ausdrucken sind Sie für die wichtigsten Situationen gerüstet.... Top NewsIm Countdown zur Cyber Monday Week verramscht Amazon sein Fire 7-Tablet. Im Angebot kostet es 55 Euro: Als Prime-Kunde zahlen Sie für das Amazon Fire Tablet 7 sogar noch weniger, denn Sie erhalten 15 Euro zusätzlichen Rabatt. Das ist ein echt starker Deal. Nicht überzeugt? Im Video stellen wir Ihnen das wohl beste Tablet unter 60 Euro vor.... Top NewsDas Münsterland ist in heller Aufruhr: Gerade während die internationalen Skulpturen-Tage in Münster stattfinden, treibt ein mysteriöser Serienmörder in der Gegend sein Unwesen. Eine Mordserie in skurril anmutender Umgebung - genau das richtige für das Münsterer Tatort-Duo Thiel und Börne.... Top NewsHaben Sie diesmal den Lotto-Jackpot geknackt? Die aktuellen Lottozahlen vom Lotto am Samstag, den 18.11.2017, stehen fest. Bei CHIP erfahren Sie immer die aktuellen Gewinnzahlen von Lotto "6 aus 49", Spiel 77 und Super 6.... Top NewsMit Spannung erwarten Fans die Partie Schalke 04 - HSV in der Bundesliga. Im Livestream zum Bundesliga-Spiel verfolgen Sie das Duell der beiden Mannschaften in voller Länge. In unserer Livestream-Übersicht zeigen wir Ihnen, welche Anbieter das Spiel übertragen und wie Sie es empfangen können....
