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Unser Ziel ist, Ihnen News und Infos ohne lästige Werbung zu bieten. Aktuelle PraxistippsEs sind viele PayPal-Fake-Mails in Umlauf. Hier wird oft eine AGB-Änderung genannt, um an Ihre Daten zu kommen. Wie Sie echte Mails erkennen, und wie Sie bei Erhalt einer Fake-Mail reagieren sollten, erfahren Sie in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comBARCELONA – Atlassian, which has acquired incident management firm OpsGenie for $295 million, today unveiled a new product in its Jira line-up to help IT operations teams deal with costly software outages.The launch of Jira Ops at the Atlassian Summit here is part of the Australian software vendor’s plans to better focus on serving IT and technical teamsafter striking a deal with Slack to discontinue its team chat tools, HipChat and Stride.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGoogle's Chrome last month continued to creep up on a two-thirds supermajority of browser share, while Microsoft's once-dominant position deteriorated. Again.According to analytics company Net Applications, Chrome's user share climbed half a percentage point in August, reaching 65.2%, an all-time high. In the last 12 months, Chrome has gained 5.9 percentage points, the only browser of the top four - others include Apple's Safari, Microsoft's Edge and Internet Explorer (IE), and Mozilla's Firefox - to add to its total during that period.[ Related: Get serious about privacy with the Epic, Brave and Tor browsers ] Net Applications calculates user share by detecting the agent strings of the browsers people use to visit its clients' websites. The firm then tallies the visitor sessions - which are effectively visits to the site, with multiple sessions possible daily - rather than count only users, as it once did. Net Applications primarily measures activity, although it does so differently...

computerworld.comThe demand for information technology professionals is on the rise. However, IT covers a wide spectrum of skills, like networking, security, and cloud development, meaning you'll need to certify your understanding before you can get your foot in the door. Cisco is one of the most popular certification providers in the industry, and with the  Ultimate Cisco Certification Super Bundle, you can train to ace a number of their exams at the beginner and advanced levels. It's on sale today for only $49.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comTwo and a half years ago, a strange ripple struck the misty waters of the Android ecosystem: Microsoft, a company that had long been a footnote to modern mobile computing, was buying SwiftKey - one of the most popular and seemingly successful keyboards across all of Android (and beyond).From the outside, the announcement seemed to come out of nowhere. SwiftKey was an Android staple - one of the earliest keyboard success stories on the platform and a popular choice for phone-makers, too - and Microsoft was, well, Microsoft. The company was still outwardly focused on its own Windows Phone platform, and it even had its own cross-platform keyboard app under active development. (It formally killed that effort off last summer.)To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsÜber Hundert private und öffentliche Radiosender aus der Schweiz hat die neue App von Swiss Radioplayer gebündelt....

computerworld.comA few years ago, with much fanfare, Google launched their wireless service called Project Fi. They had intentions of becoming a leader if not “the” leader in the wireless space. After all, they now had all three corners of the market in one company. So, why have we not heard much of their progress in the last few years?Today, Google has Android OS, they have their own smartphones called Pixel and they now had the service called Project Fi, which is an MVNO and resells both Sprint and T-Mobile.In fact, it seems Project Fi users already have what the customers of both Sprint or T-Mobile hope to get if the merger is approved. Namely, one unified network made up of both, automatically switching between the two carriers, depending which has the best connection at the moment. This sounded like Google would be successful in services with this strategy.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comApple has a huge opportunity to diversify its offer with a range of powerful mobile services aimed at enterprise users - that’s the only logical step it can take on news that almost three-fourths of the work done on mobile in that sector is transacted on iOS devices.Apple absolutely dominates the mobile enterprise Based on analysis of over 16PB of customer data covering 6.5 billion customer activities, enterprise collaboration and infrastructure company, Egnyte has found that an astonishing 79 percent of all mobile activity happens on iOS (59 percent on iPhones, 41 percent on iPads).To read this article in full, please click here...

PC-WELT Alle NewsEin EU-Gesetzesentwurf sieht vor, dass Streaming-Dienste künftig 30 oder mehr Prozent ihrer Inhalte europäisch gestalten....

PC-WELT Alle NewsNach dem ersten Render-Bild folgt nun das erste echte Foto des Xiaomi Mi Mix 3. Auch weitere Informationen sind durchgesickert....

computerworld.comHardware tech for a large-scale communications contractor comes out of his manager's office looking pretty unhappy, and this pilot fish asks what's got him down."It seems he did a service call the day before on a suspected-bad T1 modem," says fish."He got onsite to troubleshoot and, sure enough, it was a bad modem."So he took out his mini pocket screwdriver, undid the modem cable and replaced it."As it turned out, this was a union shop and he was required to call an electrician to undo the modem cable and wait till they could schedule him in."He just thought this would be faster and easier, but it seems he was mistaken. Management said if he did anything like that again, he wouldn't be allowed back on site."To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsIm September hat der Pay-TV Sender Sky jede Menge starke Rabatte auf seine Pakete. Unter anderem verringert Sky bei Abschluss bestimmter Abos die Aktivierungsgebühr. Darüber hinaus bietet Sky seine Pakete in ausgewählten Wunschkombinationen jetzt besonders günstig an. Wir stellen die besten Angebote im Detail vor.... Top NewsJeden Monat kürt Mozilla das beste Add-on für Firefox. Im September wurde "Iridium for YouTube" ausgezeichnet, eine kleine Erweiterung, die Nutzern ein noch besseres YouTube-Erlebnis verspricht....

computerworld.comGet ready for some significant changes in the way enterprises manage their growing fleets of mobile devices - and in the technologies they use to provide that management.2017: EMM suites go beyond MDM, add sophisticated capabilities2016: Mobile management takes on apps, content2015: Mobile device management broadensTo read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)... Top NewsSowohl online als auch offline ist es wichtig, nur lizenzfreie Bilder zu nutzen, um keine Urheberrechte zu verletzen. Zum Glück finden Sie im Internet Unmengen an kostenlosen und schönen Fotos aus aller Welt, solange Sie einige Regeln beachten. Wir haben für Sie unsere Top drei Webseiten mit lizenzfreien Bildern zusammengestellt.... Top NewsNetflix ist zwar der Platzhirsch in der Streaming-Branche. Doch die Konkurrenz um wie Amazon, Apple und Co. könnten den Erfolgs-Kurs von Netflix langfristig ins Wanken bringen. Ein Experte äussert sich nun zu einem zentralen Aspekt, der den Streaming-Giganten womöglich die Marktführung kosten könnte. Netflix verändert übrigens derzeit seine Bezahlmöglichkeiten.... Top NewsEbay Kleinanzeigen mal ganz anders: Wer alte Sachen loswerden will, kann diese seit einiger Zeit auch beim Portal "FürBier" einstellen. Das Besondere: Statt sich für das alte Fahrrad oder den alten Fernseher mit Geld entlohnen zu lassen, erfolgt die Bezahlung hier ausschliesslich durch Bier.... Top NewsSky bietet in seinem Cinema-Bereich auch im September wieder neue Filme an. Welche Filme diesen Monat neu bei Sky Cinema erscheinen, zeigen wir in diesem Beitrag - ausserdem stellen wir drei Film-Highlights näher vor. Alle Titel sind auch via Sky Ticket buchbar.... Top NewsDie Spiele-Plattform Steam verfügt auch über einige kostenlos Spiele. Wir haben für Sie 10 Empfehlungen an Online-Spielen herausgesucht, die Sie über Steam spielen können. Unter anderem finden Sie in unserer Galerie spannende Online-Rollenspiele und komplexe Strategiespiele - aber auch mitreissende Actiongames. Und obwohl Sie die Games völlig kostenlos... Top NewsDie Freeform-Serie "Shadowhunters" nimmt ein jähes Ende: Nicht nur, dass die Serie aufgrund schlechter Quoten eingestellt wurde, auch das Finale können die Fans nun vergessen. Denn auf einer Auktion, die sämtliche Requisiten der Serie versteigert, wurde versehentlich das Ende von "Shadowunters" gespoilert....
