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pcmag.comCompletely drowning out the Messe Berlin show floor at IFA is no small feat. The Sony WH-1000XM3 may be the best noise-cancelling headphones I've ever worn....

pcmag.comGarmin's new fitness tracker keeps track of your overall energy levels and tells you when to work out by measuring heart rate, oxygen saturation, sleep, and stress levels.... Top NewsHaben Sie an diesem Freitag den Eurojackpot geknackt? Die Gewinnzahlen der Euro-Jackpot-Ziehung vom 31. August 2018, stehen fest. Bei CHIP erfahren Sie immer die aktuellen Ergebnisse der Ziehung bestehend aus 5 Gewinn- und 2 Euro-Zahlen....

pcmag.comWe saw a lot of laptops at IFA this year, from 2-in-1s and ultraportables to monstrous gaming laptop We saw a lot of laptops at IFA this year, from 2-in-1s and ultraportables to monstrous gaming laptops. Here are the best laptops we found in Berlin....

pcmag.comFleet management software Chevin FleetWave has just about everything you'd need to better understand and manage your fleet. Other vendors are more easily able to tell you how much their products' cost, however.... Top NewsNur für kurze Zeit verschenkt der Humble Bundle Store das actiongeladene "Warhammer 40.000: Space Marine". Als Captain Titus sind Sie Angehöriger des Ordens der Ultramarine und gehören damit zu den Besten der Besten. Deshalb wurden Sie ausgewählt, den Planeten Graia von allen Feinden des Imperium zu befreien.... Top NewsBeim Lotto am Samstag können Sie diese Woche 25 Millionen Euro gewinnen. Jetzt heisst es: Füllen Sie schnell einen Lottoschein aus, wenn Sie in der ersten Gewinnklasse liegen wollen....

pcmag.comIf you're a sports fan and want to cut the cord, fuboTV is worth a look for its wide variety of sports and entertainment programming as well as for its innovative DVR and playback features....

pcmag.comChina uses the networking site to reach out to experts in technology fields with the goal of obtaining US government and commercial secrets, a US espionage official says....

pcmag.comCreated by a research team at Queen's University's Human Media Lab in Canada, MagicScroll is being called the 'world's first rollable touch-screen tablet.' The prototype features a 7.5-inch 2K flexible display rolled around a 3D-printed cylinder that houses the brains of the device....

pcmag.comAt IFA, Anker had a little something for everyone, from Alexa-enabled speakers and driving companions to battery packs and robot vacuums. We checked them out on the show floor....

pcmag.comCloud storage platform Box has rolled out new collaboration and integration functionality that makes it easier for users to search for information across all of their applications....

pcmag.comApple's iCloud Drive cloud file-syncing and storage service is a worthwhile service, especially if you're entrenched in Apple's ecosystem, but it doesn't quite measure up to the competition from Google and Microsoft. Apple's iCloud Drive file-syncing and storage service is worth using, especially if you're committed to Apple's ecosystem, but it doesn't quite measure up to the competition from Google and Microsoft.... Top NewsHäufig erreichen uns Fragen nach dem passenden Virenscanner für Windows. Doch der ist gar nicht mehr so entscheidend. Es gibt andere Sicherheits-Baustellen, die wichtiger sind und um die Sie sich kümmern sollten. Wir zeigen drei Entscheidungen, die Sie rund um Windows-Sicherheit treffen sollten.... Top NewsSaturn verkauft an diesem Wochenende bis Sonntag den 02.09. um 9 Uhr Gaming-Notebooks und Monitore deutlich günstiger. Wir haben das Angebot für Sie gecheckt. Das Video gibt Ihnen schon mal einen Vorgeschmack auf die schöne Gaming-Welt....

pcmag.comThe Zipp 2 and Zipp Mini 2 are both stylish Bluetooth smart speakers, but what's really interesting about them is how they adjust to accommodate the sound stage of the room.... Top NewsDer Privatsender RTL will den Anteil an UHD-Inhalten im kommenden Jahr weiter ausbauen. Unter anderem sollen alle Partien der deutschen Fussball-Nationalmannschaft, an denen sich RTL die Rechte gesichert hat, in ultrahochauflösender Qualität angeboten werden. Die Ausstrahlung erfolgt wie gewohnt via HD+. Mehr Details zu RTLs 4K-Sender verrät unser V...

pcmag.comElectronic medical record (EMR) managers, also known as electronic health record (EHR) managers, let health care professionals track key patient data, including medication histories and lab results. Here we review four EHR managers to help clinicians choose the best one for their workflow....

pcmag.comWRS Health is an innovative and clinician-centered solution that improves charting accuracy, individualizes patient-care plans, and enhances reimbursements. This application is definitely a top contender in the electronic medical record (EMR) field....

pcmag.comDrChrono provides a well-designed user interface specifically tailored to Apple products. While this electronic health record (EHR) app does function well in a browser-only mode, it works best when you take advantage of the synergy between the different Apple devices....