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PC-WELT Alle NewsTelefónica bietet ab sofort die beiden neuen Tarife O2 my All in One und O2 Free Unlimited an. Die Details zu den echten Flats....

PC-WELT Alle NewsMicrosoft wird ab dem 31. Oktober keine neuen Windows-8-Apps für den Microsoft Store akzeptieren. Die Gründe.... Aktuelle PraxistippsSobald der Sommer in vollem Gange ist, scheinen Wespen immer aggressiver zu werden und gezielt ins Gesicht zu fliegen. Zumindest letzteres ist mehr als ein Mythos. Wir verraten, warum Wespen gerne ins Gesicht und auf den Körper zusteuern. … ... mehr...

PC-WELT Alle NewsAmazon und Twitch passen die Vorteile von Twitch Prime an. Werbefreie Streams gehören künftig der Vergangenheit an....

PC-WELT Alle NewsNvidia hat die neuen RTX-Grafikkarten mit Turing-GPUs vorgestellt. Wir vergleichen die neuen mit den bisherigen Top-Modellen.... Aktuelle PraxistippsAuch wenn alte Röhrenfernseher nicht mehr häufig vorkommen, ist ihre Funktionsweise per Elektronenstraheln besonders interessant. Was ein Elektronenstrahl ist, wie sich dieser im Raum ausbreitet und wie er in Fernsehern zum Einsatz kommt, verraten wir in diesem Artikel. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsIhre eBay-Bestellungen können Sie bequem an eine Packstation schicken lassen. So bleiben Sie flexibel und holen Ihr Paket ab, wenn es Ihnen passt. Wir verraten hier, wie es geht. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, welche Faktoren Sie beim Autokauf auf der Online-Plattform eBay beachten sollten. Egal ob Neu- oder Gebrauchtwagen: Wer vorhat, online ein Auto sicher zu erwerben, sollte die folgenden Punkte stets im Auge behalten. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comThe commercial plays up the selfie-taking capabilities of Huawei's Nova 3 handset with examples of the high-quality photos you can take. However, a Reddit user has uncovered evidence that the photo examples were taken by a DSLR camera. The commercial plays up the selfie-taking capabilities of Huawei's Nova 3 handset with examples of the high-quality photos you can take. However, a Reddit user has uncovered evidence that the photo examples were taken by a DSLR camera....

pcmag.comThe change will take effect for monthly Twitch Prime subscribers on Oct. 15, and is intended to help streamers generate more funding for their channels, Twitch said. The change will take effect for monthly Twitch Prime subscribers on Oct. 15, and is intended to help streamers generate more funding for their channels, Twitch said. Also gone: a 20 percent discount on eligible pre-ordered games....'Now, students can tap into the power of iPad to build historic monuments, swim through coral reefs ... bring creative stories to life, experiment with chemistry, and document their learning with the camera and portfolio features,' Microsoft wrote in a Monday blog post....

pcmag.comOnce you've added another family member to your Echo device, each of you can bounce from one account Once you've added another family member to your Echo device, each of you can bounce from one account to another just by talking to Alexa. Here's how....

computerworld.comPilot fish's company brings in a new student intern to work in IT, and it seems like he should be a perfect fit -- but it's not quite working out."He had great grades at a top institution, but he struggled mightily," says fish. "He did not have a bad attitude, but he just couldn't pick up our technology."He had done well at everything he had ever tried, at least according to him. He came from a very successful family, and he just could not get how things could be so difficult."I put in extra time, because it seemed like it was my fault -- like I wasn't explaining things so he could understand them. In the end, we gave him an A for effort and sent him back to school.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThe RTX 2080 will start at $699 while the RTX 2080 Ti will go for $999. A cheaper model, the RTX 2070, will be $499 when it arrives in October. The new cards promise a six-time performance boost over last-generation cards.... Aktuelle PraxistippsDie Verschränkung ist ein quantenphysikalisches Phänomen. In diesem Praxistipp erklären wir Ihnen, was die Quantenverschränkung ist und was daran so besonders ist. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comIt can be hard to tell the difference between all the devices that help you access the Internet. Thi Modem? Switch? Hub? It can be hard to tell the difference between the devices that help you access the internet. This guide will help you learn what everything does....

pcmag.comUnveiled Monday, the Philips Hue Play light bar and Signe table and floor lamps can bring a pop of color to your walls. Connect it to the Philips Hue Bridge and app to select from 16 million different colors for it to shine....

pcmag.comThe Voigtlander 10mm/1:5.6 Hyper Wide Heliar E is the widest rectilinear lens you can get for any full-frame camera, but its edges are soft and show a heavy vignette....

pcmag.comBoomerang is a solid parental control app for Android and iOS that helps parents track their children's web, app, and mobile activity. It's mobile-only, though, so you can't use it to monitor Macs or PCs....

pcmag.comIt's not exactly cheap, but if you want an alternative to the NUC running an AMD chip without any noise, then Tranquil looks to be the only place to go right now. Prices start at $870, but in return you'll get an IP50-rated silent computer....