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Unser Ziel ist, Ihnen News und Infos ohne lästige Werbung zu bieten. Top NewsDer Open-Source Passwort Manager Keepass ist eines der beliebtesten Tools zum Sichern und Generieren von Passwörtern. Mit der richtigen App können Sie den Dienst auch am Android-Smartphone nutzen - Keepass2Android macht es möglich und bringt gleich einige interessante neue Features mit.... Aktuelle PraxistippsMittlerweile gibt es auf dem deutschen Markt eine Vielzahl an Prepaid-Anbietern. Wir stellen Ihnen in diesem Vergleich verschiedene günstige Prepaid-Tarife vor. … ... mehr... Top NewsAmazon bietet Film-Fans ab sofort wieder eine tolle Schnäppchen-Aktion an. Zehn Blu-Rays gibt's jetzt schon für insgesamt 50 Euro. Unter den Titeln, die unter die Aktion fallen, finden sich sowohl echte Klassiker als auch neuere Filme....

computerworld.comApple’s entire user interface paradigm can be summed up as “reveal as required." You can use its products productively from the moment you power them up out of the box, but as you become more familiar with its systems you can achieve much more. These six handy Mac tips will help you get things done faster and more effectively.Command-Space My favorite Mac shortcut, Command-Space, opens Spotlight search. Use this when looking for a document, an image, a website, contact, folder, app or almost anything else – just start typing the first few letters of the name and hit Return when the correct item is found.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comJD Power just released their 2018 wireless purchase experience study details, and there are two very interesting facts in these results that every buyer needs to know, yet no one is talking about. One is this. While there are winners, there are no losers this year. What I mean is, all the major carriers are now very good. In fact, they are so close it almost doesn’t matter which one you choose, based on this study.However, there are differences you need to know. There are other factors you should be aware of to determine the best carrier for you. JD Power does a great job year after year of measuring different parts of the wireless experience in general. It keeps carriers on their toes. This is one of many factors to help users choose the best carriers for them.To read this article in full, please click here... Aktuelle PraxistippsSie können sich Musik nicht nur auf einer CD kaufen, sondern auch MP3-Songs aus dem Internet downloaden. Was genau eine MP3 ist, erklären wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsFragen Sie sich, was XML ist, haben wir die passende Antwort für Sie. Für was Sie XML brauchen, wie Sie damit umzugehen haben und wo es Ihnen begegnet, zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsGibt es einen Witz, der der lustigste Witz der Welt ist? Einer, der besser als alle anderen sein soll. Laut Wissenschaft gibt es den, doch er wird vielen wohl nicht mal ein müdes Schmunzeln abringen. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsMonster Hunter: World ist ein Action-Rollenspiel von Capcom. Ob es einen Cross Platform-Multiplayer in dem Spiel gibt, erklären wir Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsÜber WebDAV können Sie auf Dateien von vielen Cloud-Speicherorten zugreifen. Ob Sie Amazon Drive über WebDAV nutzen können, erfahren Sie in diesem Praistipp. … ... mehr...

pcmag.comOh comms, all ye faithful: Church towers to be retrofitted to help spread the word of VoD... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn HTML funktioniert die Textformatierung ganz anders als in Word oder LaTeX. Für Absatz, Zeilenumbruch und Co. nutzen Sie verschiedene Codes. Wir stellen Ihnen in diesem Praxistipp die wichtigsten Tags für eine browserfreundliche Gliederung und Gestaltung Ihres Textes in HTML vor. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsAndroid 4.4 können Sie ganz leicht manuell installieren. Wie das geht, erfahren Sie in diesem Praxistipp. … ... mehr... Aktuelle PraxistippsIn Deutschland gilt die Anschnallpflicht. Es gibt jedoch auch Ausnahmen, bei denen Sie auf den Sicherheitsgurt verzichten dürfen. Wir haben die nötigen Informationen zu diesem Thema für Sie zusammengestellt. … ... mehr...

computerworld.comPilot fish is working at a university's IT help desk when a student walks in with a laptop and a request."She asked us to help fix the keyboard and track pad on her laptop," says fish. "I asked, was anything spilled on the keyboard? Well, yeah, it got rained on."In communicating further and telling her she would have to order a new replacement keyboard, she proceeded to tell me that she also got sick and vomited on the keyboard."When asked why she did not feel the need to tell us earlier in the conversation, she said it was no big deal and has happened a few times, but this was the first time it quit working."Student left. Everything she touched went into the trash, and a lot of sanitizing wipes were used. I'm now printing out her picture and captioning it 'Typhoid Mary' and posting it behind the workbench."To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comGoogle wants you to keep using Google. So to keep your interest, it’s working hard to apply some of the world’s most advanced technologies to making your online activities faster and easier.It’s attacking from several angles. One of them is prediction. Google is figuring out how to guess what you’ll want to do, then making that prediction available as an instant option.This predictive power will transform how employees and executives in enterprises and other businesses operate. The predictive internet will do for work what self-driving cars will do for transportation.It’s starts with messaging.Predictive conversation Google is beta-testing a new tool called Reply that reads what your colleagues message to you and then suggests replies, which you can choose to send with a click or tap. That might sound like Google’s existing Smart Replies, which is built into Gmail, Inbox and Allo. But Reply is Smart Replies for third-party apps, essentially. (Sign...

pcmag.comLeankit is one of the best, easiest-to-use online kanban apps available, though it looks a little dated....

pcmag.comTfL wants cab companies to share data, improve passenger safety and introduce ride sharing measures which could include single sex journeys....

pcmag.comClamour for long-awaited update causes server meltdown; normal service is now restored Clamour for long-awaited update causes server meltdown; normal service now restored...

computerworld.comMicrosoft this week released the first preview of what will become Windows 10 version 1809, this year's second feature upgrade and the one slated to ship this fall.But the debut of what Microsoft calls the "Skip Ahead" build for Windows 10 1809 also hints that the release of the spring feature upgrade, aka 1803, will take place in early April.[ Related: IT buyer’s guide to business laptops ] On Wednesday, Microsoft forked the 1803 preview of Windows 10 - as it's done before when it nears release of a feature upgrade - so that developers could continue to deliver beta code for that build while also beginning to work on the next-in-line, 1809. (Microsoft uses a yymm labeling system to mark its Windows 10 feature upgrades; 1803 indicates a March 2018 release, while 1809 marks a September release.)To read this article in full, please click here...