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pcmag.comDespite its small size, the Asus ROG Strix Z370-I Gaming delivers a solid package for the DIY builde...

computerworld.comWhen it comes to technology, it's often the smallest details that make the biggest impact.Sure, splashy elements like Android's split-screen mode and notification channels made for great new-release bullet points when they came along (in Android 7.0, Nougat and Android 8.0, Oreo, respectively) - but let's be honest: How often does either actually affect your day-to-day life? If you're like the vast majority of Android phone-owners, the answer is probably "pretty darn rarely."To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comProject Rush will offer cloud-synced video project edting for desktop and mobile, with integrated motion graphics and audio editing....

pcmag.comThe Epson Expression Premium XP-6000 Small-in-One is a basic but capable photo-centric all-in-one inkjet printer that delivers excellent print and copy quality, but its high ink costs relegate it to light-duty use....

pcmag.comBethesda's next Fallout title, a multiplayer survival game, is launching worldwide on Nov. 14. However, there's a beta before then and Xbox One owners will get to play it before anyone else....

pcmag.comWhether you've cut the cord or are watching on the go, you can access the World Cup from pretty much Whether you've cut the cord or are watching on the go, you can access the beautiful game from pretty much anywhere. Here's how to stream your favorite matches....

pcmag.comAmazon looked at the hospitality sector and saw an opportunity for a 'voice-first experience,' so now when you visit a hotel Alexa may be available to answer all your questions....

computerworld.comDeloitte has taken a big step to integrate Apple technologies across its global ConvergeHEALTH Patient Connect solution. I spoke with the company's general manager, Brett Davis, and its life sciences global digital and patient engagement leader, Chris Zant, to understand the significance of its plans.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThe Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and OnDevice Research surveyed worldwide streaming video habits, including live streaming; they found that 70 percent of consumers stream one or more videos every day....

pcmag.comIn an email to all employees, Musk explains how one employee made direct code changes to Tesla's operations as well as exposing highly sensitive data to unknown third parties....

computerworld.comApple earlier this month told iPhone and iPad users that if their devices are currently running iOS 11, they will also run the upcoming iOS 12, an upgrade slated to ship this fall.[ Further reading: The 50+ best features in iOS 11 ] According to Apple, the new mobile operating system will be supported on these devices: iPhone X iPhone 6/6 Plus and later; iPhone SE iPhone 5S iPad Pro; 12.9-in., 10.5-in., 9.7-in. iPad Air and later; iPad, 5th generation and later; iPad Mini 2 and later; iPod Touch 6th generation. [iOS 12 will also be pre-installed on the new iPhone(s) Apple unveils this fall.]To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comUC Berkeley in 2016 saw the potential for teaching about blockchain with a primary focus on bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies the technology underpins.At the time, about 70 students signed up.Next month, the university will kick off an online professional certificate program for blockchain, a three-month, two-part course focusing on cryptocurrencies and permissioned blockchains aimed at equipping students for careers in developing the distributed ledger technology for businesses.So far, 7,400 students have already signed up.[ Further reading: What is blockchain? The most disruptive tech in decades ] "We've had other online courses that have done well, mainly STEM-related content... but I'd say this course's early results show very impressive enrollments," said Suzanne Harrison, director of design and development at UC Berkeley.To read this article in full, please click here...

computerworld.comFlashback almost three decades, to when this pilot fish is hired as a systems analyst -- and gets an unpleasant surprise."When I started with this company, I nearly quit because there were so many meetings!" says fish. "I was told this was necessary to keep everyone informed about what the company was doing."After three years, our CIO held a large meeting and told us that, in order to empower us, we were to reduce the number of meetings held. So suddenly I found myself going for weeks without a single meeting."Fast forward a few years: We got a new CIO, who informed us that we needed to be in step with the company and to insure we were all informed they would hold meetings each week. More meetings were added, and soon I found myself attending meetings at the same frequency I was when I joined the company.To read this article in full, please click here...

pcmag.comThe family separations at the US-Mexico border has brought scrutiny to a Microsoft government contract. In January, the company touted a partnership with federal immigration authorities, which US social media users are now protesting....

pcmag.comAn ad-tracking tool embedded in dozens of games can 'fingerprint' your PC, prompting spyware concerns. Some developers have pledged to remove the tool from their products....

pcmag.comWith Messages for web, send texts as well stickers and emoji, and attach images. To avoid getting charged for data while using this feature, be sure to connect your phone to Wi-Fi....

computerworld.comThere's a reason many of the organizations on Computerworld's latest list of the 100 Best Places to Work in IT show up routinely: They've realized that an engaged IT worker who's encouraged to think (and act) outside the corporate box is often a happy IT worker.And happy workers are less likely to walk out the door, taking much-needed tech skills with them.[ Further reading: Download the Best Places to Work in IT 2018 report as a PDF ] As Val Potter, Computerworld's Managing Editor for Features, explains, companies have found value in encouraging a healthy work/life balance; offering skills training and career growth; providing recognition and rewards programs; allowing for access to top management; emphasizing team work; and giving back to the community.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsFreitag gibt es beim Eurojackpot mit den richtigen Zahlen eine Summe von sage und schreibe 90 Millionen Euro zu gewinnen. Wenn Sie künftig lieber bei 30 Grad in der Sonne am eigenen Luxuspool liegen möchten - oder sich vom Gewinn einen lang gehegten Wunsch erfüllen wollen, können Sie jetzt die Chance nutzen. Welche Zahlen tatsächlich häufiger gezogen...

computerworld.comApple removed several years' worth of Macs from the list of supported systems when it unveiled macOS 10.14, aka "Mojave," earlier this month.As the Cupertino, Calif. company has done before, its two-year cycle scratched out Macs that had been able to run the immediate predecessor, macOS High Sierra. Apple's odd-even cadence has alternately retained the prior year's models (odd-numbered years, odd-numbered editions) and dropped models (even-numbered years, even-numbered editions).[ Further reading: 40 tips to get the most from your Mac (and macOS 'High Sierra') ] In 2016, for instance, macOS Sierra (10.12) struck 2007's, 2008's and some of 2009 Macs from support. Last year, High Sierra (10.13) stuck with the same models as Sierra.To read this article in full, please click here... Top NewsWM-Spiele in bestmöglicher 4K-Qualität gucken. Und das sogar als Live-Stream im Internet. Mit einem kleinen Trick kein Problem: Wir sagen Ihnen, wie Sie die WM-Live-Streams in UHD-Auflösung empfangen können....
